

28/06/2009 (Sunday)
Went to Snoker Game...
Realy Long times didn go lol....
Yee Foong With His Favorate Posts

Bei Chee With Her Favorate X Q & Teng Wee

After the game,we went to Tzim Dung for supper...
Bei Chee Did Order a Sandwish
Tw put a slice of lemon into her sandwish while she is away to washroom...
When she return..she realize that why thr is a slice of lemon
in a HAM Sandwish?????
but we lie to her that....Maybe is new item promotion....
And she Believe!!!!

Then she just put it into her mouth....And try to eat it!!!!
We tak boleh tahan,Keep laughing at her...
Finally,she realized we cheat her!...HAHAAHAA~~~

Tw & YF

Took at washroom...
